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9379089230 / 8971320626



A Pre-School is your child’s first experience away from you and it’s a huge leap for you as parents as well as for your child. Toddlers' Zone is a child oriented school. We believe in all round development of the child. Our method of teaching helps in developing the students academically, emotionally, mentally, socially, psychologically and spiritually. Toddlers' Zone follows play way method of teaching as children grasp the most through this method. Learning is a life skill that goes beyond reading, writing & counting. Through constant innovation & years of experience in early child care & education we ensure the right balance of stimulation and age appropriate learning in every child.

Toddlers' Zone is a very attractive, bright and colorful setup which draws the attention of all children. We make an environment which makes it easy for the kids to feel comfortable and enjoy learning.

Our class rooms are spacious, well ventilated and illuminated. With us, your child experiences quality education and learns to explore and enjoy the surroundings.

Our teachers are well trained and experienced. Our training mechanism is designed to arm teachers with practical and effective techniques, which are best suited for kids. We encourage The children to speak in English as well try to make them socially acquainted by giving them lessons on moral values like sharing things, making friends and treating everyone equally.